In this piece Beth explained that she liked the use of colour and imagery within the boxed layout. This is what i was meaning about having her imagery in a simple'ish layout but still allowing them to portray their message, style and feel of the garment range.
The use of floral pattern was what beth wanted to possibly incorporate to parts of the look book. This was important as she wanted it to fit in with the decor of her shop which the range will be sold within. From this i have asked her to take some photos of the patterns in which they sit already so that i have a raw image that i can experiment with within the layout.
When she picked out this image it definitely hyped me up a little as it is of very similar design taste of mine. the simplicity of the design yet the high impact it brings with it works really nicely, so the fact that beth recognizes its design principles also is a real boost and keeps us also on the same design platform in terms of what she wants and what i am really interested in.
The organization and size of the imagery in this piece attracted Beth's eye. It opens up the door for how experimental i can be when mocking up so possible layouts.
Again another piece that she has picked out that also really interests me in terms of design, the type and layout is definitely something that could be incorporated into her book.
The full colour spreads is what i think beth commented upon, again this can be incorporated into her book with her imagery with certain shots and close ups spreading an entire page.
The playfulness and originality of the type and layout works really well in this piece, possibly could b used but in the certain style of the bottled bohemia range, obviously not a direct copy, but he the chance to be playful with type and layout. With this i will construct a few mock design layouts and see which ones she thinks are working and which are not.
This image was discussed between myself and Beth for the front cover. She likes how the type is overlaid on the image yet doesn't completely dominate it. These are little considerations that have to be noted about her interests that can then be incorporated into the designs. the little elements and details are what will make this look book personal and visually appealing and legible.
The layout of the imagery is something that Beth has picked up upon a number of times already, she likes large scale resolutions which is high in content. THi has its benefits as it will encourage the audience to interact with the piece but also disadvantages with that the content has to be suitable and thought out so that it fits correctly and is legible.