Final boards

Here are the final boards which i am going to submit for hand in for this brief:

This is the impact board for the brief. i wanted to use a large image to grab the attention and to also show what the brief was about. by using the attractive front cover image used for the lookbook i think it works really well ,with the following boards showing the range in which this design has been used.

This board show the main lookbook and the detailing. by show ing the various double spreads and content you can get a feel for what the book is about.

Showing the stages in which the fold out poster can be use din i think this board works quite well. Possibly i could use another board to show the poser when it has been fully folded out, and to show both sides.

Using the same format as the lookbook i have cropped into some of the images to show the detailing on the catalogue aswell as the content and format used.